Beberapa Ketentuan Pemerintah tentang Bimbingan dan Konseling

Beberapa peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah terkait dengan Bimbingan dan Konseling . Antara lain sebagai berikut :  Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional dimana dalam UU sisdiknas disampaikan pendidikan merupakan usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya dan menegaskan bahwa konselor adalah pendidik. Selain itu dalam undang-undang ters...

When disaster strikes twice: Helping Jersey shore residents cope

  by. Heather Rudow     Nearly a year ago, historic “superstorm” Hurricane Sandy tore up the East Coast, claiming at least 117 lives in the U.S. and 69 more in Canada and the Caribbean, leaving an unthinkable path of destruction in its wake.New Jersey was especially hard-hit: half of the city of Hoboken flooded, communities all up and down the shore sustained significant damage and, at one point, more than 2.6 million residents were without power....

Memahami Tuna Rungu dalam konseling konteks

Understanding Deaf people in counseling contexts By. Aimee K. Whyte, Alison L. Aubrecht, Candace A. McCullough, Jeffrey W. Lewis & Danielle Thompson-Ochoa   We, five Deaf counselors, have come together to write this article to educate our fellow counselors about Deaf culture, the Deaf community and working with Deaf clients. This article is written from the Deaf experience — a “Deaf center” — which reflects “a different normality” (as Iren...

Pergeseran paradigma dalam filsafat konseling

A paradigm shift in counseling philosophy By. R. Rocco Cottone   We are so lucky to be alive in the midst of a paradigm shift in counseling theory. For someone like me, who fancies himself a counseling philosopher and theoretician, nothing can be more exciting than living through a revolution in theory.   Many currently practicing counselors probably were a bit young to take part in the last paradigm shift, from the psychology of the individual to what is called “so...

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